Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lickable wallpaper.

I'm totally open to suggestions on what you think would be interesting for me to tell you about during my rise from just a guy, to just a guy who does his best to run a video game service.

I have had quite a good time playing my own games and meeting an absolute crowd of new people. In the week that we have been actively advertising our presence, and openly discussing "the product" on developer forums and gamer blogs we have had just barely shy of 500 new accounts made.

Of those, 60% are repeat users, so quite a few people make an account and look around for a bit and then leave without ever talking to us again. I do intend to change that though, I have a survey I'm going to send everybody so I can find out what they think. I was just going to call that Montel Williams show and see if I could get hooked up with the psychic he always has on. You know the one who looks like somebody deflated a toad and then put lots of make-up on it? That's the one. She could certainly tell me what everybody thinks using her supernatural psychic powers.

Failing that though I'll just use The Internets to write a little web survey and get some more feedback.

So far the following ideas have met with smashing success:

1. updating puzzle games people love, that they haven't seen for years
2. making those multiplayer capable over the Internet
3. changing mechanic so they are new enough to not be the "same old thing"
4. Players Online screen
5. Challenge system
6. Avatars. Everybody loves dressing up an avatar.
7. Its an every day occurrence now that I am told how much people love the music.

What hasn't been successful? What is in our system that nobody uses?
1. General chat room. Nobody is ever in there, though people do chat during and after games a lot.
2. Subscription. Please subscribe, we need to pay the rent.
3. Skill City Map. I haven't yet witnessed anybody who uses it to navigate, no matter how cool it looks.
4. Baking with Nucoa. Everything just turns out greasy, someday I'll find out how to make this butter alternative work.


Unknown said...

umm... i'm sure i can read a help file on this somewhere but for others as lazy as myself: "how" do you navigate with that map? i tried clicking on things...

The Mayor said...

You cant now. We removed its navigation abilities. Now its just a picture.